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What technologies do you support?

We have in-house experience with loads of different techs, including Microsoft, Apple, Google as well as others.

Is the cloud useful for my business?

We strongly believe a ‘Hybrid-Approach’ is currently the best way to utilize cloud technologies. A mixture of onsite and offsite infrastructure works best for many businesses.

How long is the agreement for?

Typically, most agreements are for 12 months and renew each year. However, starting off with a longer commitment keeps your price locked in even if the annual rates were to change.

Can I cancel my agreement?

Absolutely, after the first 90-day satisfaction guarantee period we ask for a 30-day notice to remove all software and tender all remaining balances. 

What is covered under the agreement?

There are three typical tiers that can apply to your unique setting; however, please check your individual agreement for more detailed specifics.

Are projects covered under my agreement?

Projects are quoted separately as they usually fall out of the scope of the work on the original Service Level Agreement.

What are CAER Tech's standard hours?

8:00am – 5:00pm. Typical business hours.

When is after hours support available?

24/7/365 Response times vary depending on what is affected as well as your Service Level Agreement. We are generally closed on federal holidays; however if there is an outage obstructing daily production, we will be available depending on the terms of your Service Level Agreement.